Gay bars columbus ohio

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Guests of The Joseph get to explore The Pizzuti Collection free of charge. Pizzuti’s collection is so extensive that he had to open a building to house it all. Developed by The Pizzuti Companies, the boutique hotel boasts a vast art collection of works acquired by Ron Pizzuti, one of the largest collectors of fine art in the world.

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Try the Brown Butter Almond Brittle, it’s to die for!Ī few doors down is Le Meridien Columbus, The Joseph. Also located in North Market is Jeni’s Ice Cream, a homegrown shop that now has locations in other cities around the country. Dozens of food vendors are located under one roof which features a culinary explosion for the senses including foods from Somalia, Greece, India among others. The collection includes a combination of well-known artists as well as some lesser-known names.Īfter exploring the museum, head to North Market for lunch.

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The entire process of curating an exhibition of this size, which includes about 250 works of art by LGBTQ artists, took around 7 years to complete. The exhibition, which previously visited Miami and New York, was actually curated by the Columbus Museum of Art. Art enthusiasts will love the Columbus Museum of Art’s upcoming exhibition Art After Stonewall which opens in March 2020.

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